Quality & Choice for Older People’s Housing – Strategic Framework

A framework for future of housing services of older people, setting out 5 key areas. Good information and advice should be available, and services must work jointly to meet the holistic needs of older people. Services should take account of diversity and


Quality & Choice for Older People’s Housing: A Strategic Framework: Summary

Summary of joint DETR/DoH publication, which focusses on the need to address 5 key areas I.e. Diversity & Choice, Information & Advice, Flexible service provision, Quality, and Joint Working


Choice of Accommodation – Care Homes (Factsheet 60)

This factsheet explains what rights care home residents have to choose which home they will live in when the local authority assists with the funding and arrangement of the placement. It is also relevant to residents who arrange and fund their own residen


Choice Based Lettings

Describes the new approach to allocation of social housing properties, placing the initiative with the customer (new or existing tenants to search information about available properties & express interest. The Government has set targets – 25% of local aut


Croydon Council Housing webpage

Croydon Council’s housing department information page, providing access to advice and information about housing options