Connecting Housing to the Health and Social Care Agenda: a person-centered approach

Adequate and appropriate housing is widely acknowledged to be a crucial underpinning of health and well-being. While the impact of poor housing on health, well-being and quality of life is demonstrable – and the contribution of housing to all these areas


A fair contract with older people? A special study of peoples experiences when finding a care home

A study looking at whether older people and family carers get the right information, advice and support they need regarding finding & moving into a care home. Results show self-funders often lack this, people’s choice of home can be limited, there is no


Balanced Retirement Communities? A case study of Westbury Fields

This study aims to explore the extent to which residents from a wide range of housing and care histories and socio-economic backgrounds can be integrated into a single retirement village community. Westbury Fields in North West Bristol is home to over


Underfunded, Undervalued and Unfit : A fresh approach to social care for older people in England

A call for action to: bring the debate about the future of social care into the public domain; set it in its broader context; and implement a number of short and medium term recommendations on its funding.


Guide to Procuring Care and Support Services

Guide designed to help non-procurement professionals who need to procure (or pruchase) services for older people who need care and support. It is particularly relevant for local authority staff and for other public bodies.


Dignity in Housing

This report and accompanying checklist takes a detailed look at policy and practice in relation to achieving dignity in a housing setting


Delivering End of Life Care in Housing with Care Settings

The aim of this factsheet is to raise awareness among housing with care practitioners and providers of the current agendas and developments in practice around end of life care. Factsheet 18


Opening Doors to Independence : a longitudinal study exploring the contribution of extra care housing to the care and support of older people with dementia

This report, with the support of an Innovation & Good Practice grant from the Housing Corporation, is based on research tracking people with dementia living in Housing 21’s extra care schemes. The findings conclude that extra care has a role in providing


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