Benefits for people of retirement age (FS12)

This factsheet summarises the main benefits available to people in retirement from the Department of Work and Pensions or the local council.


Attendance Allowance: how to make an effective claim

This factsheet is about Attendance Allowance (AA), a benefit paid by the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) to people who have reached State Pension age who need help with personal care because of a disability or a health problem, such as sight loss.


Paying for care and support at home (Factsheet 46)

This factsheet explains charging for social care services in places other than care homes, mainly related to services provided in your own home. This is because the two charging systems are slightly different. It also covers charging for carers’ services.


Attendance Allowance (Factsheet 34)

This factsheet covers Attendance Allowance, a tax-free and non-meanstested benefit paid to people who are 65 years old or over with attention or supervision needs. Unlike Disability Living Allowance (DLA), it does not have a mobility component. Attendance