Housing our Ageing Population: Plan for Implementation (HAPPI 2)

The All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on Housing and Care for Older People, chaired by Lord Best, has highlighted the benefits of improved housing options for older people. Their 2012 inquiry report, written by Jeremy Porteus – Secretary to the APPG In


Housing our Ageing Population: Positive Ideas (HAPPI 3) – Making retirement living a positive choice

This volume in the influential HAPPI series for the APPG on Housing and Care for Older People calls on policymakers, house-builders and other stakeholders to address the concerns and issues that deter some people from moving to specialist housing. It says


Housing Options for Older People

Looking ahead to 2026, the rising number of older people, combined with increased longevity, will create a much greater need for properties suitable for the impaired and averagely frail very old. This calls for a commitment to new ‘lifetime’ homes, constr


Age Equality in Housing

This is a guide to tackling age discrimination for housing providers, commissioners, planners and builders. It includes advice on how to recognise age discrimination, how to take action, and what information and help is available.


How will the new law on age discrimination affect you?

On 1st October 2006 new legislation (The Employment Equality (Age) Regulations 2006) will come into force in the UK. It will provide protection against age discrimination in employment and education for people of all ages. This gives an overview of the pr


Age UK Northern Ireland website

Access to Age UK Northern Ireland website for information and advice