Developing integrated, impartial information and advice about housing and related care and finance: A guide for commissioners

This guide is based on the experience of EAC FirstStop working with local FirstStop partners. It offers commissioners model clauses which can be used in specifications describing services providing housing and related care and finance advice for people in


Mental Capacity Act 2005 : Code of Practice

The Code of Practice provides guidance to anyone who is working with and/or caring for adults who may lack capacity to make particular decisions. It describes their responsibilities when acting or making decisions on behalf of individuals who lack the cap


Civil Partnership & Older Same-Sex Couples

Explains the Civil Partnership Act 2004 which can give same-sex couples the same rights as opposite-sex couples if they register a civil partnership. It gives information about Registration, and resultant rights and responsibilities – including tax, tenan


Making Decisions : A guide for family, friends and any other unpaid carers

A guide for use by anyone who voluntarily helps to care for an adult who has impaired mental incapacity. It expalins what the law (Mental Capacity Act 2005) says about mental incapacity, how decisions about finance, health etc should be made, the role of


Making Decisions about your health, welfare or finance: Who decides when you can’t?

A guide for people who wish to prepare for possible future mental incapacity. It explains what the law says about mental incapacity, how decisions should be made on financial, health and other matters, the role of doctors, lawyers and where to get expert


Making Decisions : A guide for people who work in health and social care

A guide for care professionals and volunteers involved in the care of adults who need support to make decisions – due to dementia, mental health problems or any other illness or injury which affects the person’s mental capacity. It explains the Mental Cap


Credit Unions

This information sheet explains what Credit Unions are, how they operate, and the legislation governing them.


The Law, the Duty, & You

A guide for public employees about the Race Relations Act and the duty to promote racial equality


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