1. Link to HousingCare.org
Link: http://www.housingcare.org
Image: Please use either of the images to the right of this text, depending on whether you prefer to highlight EAC or the site’s function. To save the image, right click on it and choose “Save Picture As”.
Suggested short text: HousingCare.org offers a wide range of information to help older people identify ways of improving their home environment, plus details of all UK sheltered housing and care homes.
Suggested longer text: HousingCare.org aims to help older and disabled people make their own decisions about where to live, and any support or care they need. It offers information about maintaining, adapting or improving your home; finding care or home help services; moving to retirement, sheltered or extra care housing, or to a care home; plus advice on paying for any of these. It is an independent service delivered by non-profit organisations, led by Elderly Accommodation Counsel (EAC).
2. Direct links to components of HousingCare.org
You may wish to guide users to a specific feature in HousingCare.org, depending on where in your site the link is provided. We are keen to work with you to achieve these best results, but below are icons, URLs and suggested text for some of the most popular links.
Housing and care homes search
Link: http://www.housingcare.org/housing/index.aspx
Image: Please use the image provided on the right of this text. To save the image,right click on it and choose “Save Picture As”.
Suggested text: EAC’s Housing Options database includes detailed information about all the UK’s 25,000 sheltered and retirement housing schemes, plus up to date details of vacancies.
HOOP (Housing Options for Older People)
Link: http://hoop.eac.org.uk/
Image: Please use the image provided on the right of this text. To save the image,right click on it and choose “Save Picture As”.
Suggested text: EAC’s HOOP (housing options) tool is a simple question & answer technique to help older people assess their housing situation and clarify what information they need to tackle problems or realise their hopes.
3. Bespoke links to HousingCare.org
EAC is keen to work with any local authorities, housing associations, care home operators and advice & information agencies to deliver content from www.HousingCare.org directly to their own websites, and/or to create localised versions of HousingCare’s features, such as accommodation searches, Library, Advice Finder.
Please contact John Galvin at EAC to discuss further (Direct line: 020 7820 7867).
4. Link to EAC’s own website
This is a website about the charity Elderly Accommodation Counsel.
Link: http://www.eac.org.uk
Image: Please use the image provided on the right of this text. To save this image, right click on it and choose “Save Picture As”. Please do not hotlink directly to this image.
Suggested text: Elderly Accommodation Counsel (EAC) is a national charity dedicated to helping older people make informed choices about meeting their housing and care needs.
Suggested longer text: Elderly Accommodation Counsel (EAC) is a national charity dedicated to helping older people make informed choices about meeting their housing and care needs. Its website tells you more about the services EAC provides to older people themselves, and to people who work with them.