Other Financial Advice

Retirement can often mean significant changes in lifestyle which bring with it financial demands or changes.

Here FirstStop Advice has collated a number of areas where such advice might be sought and providing links to the Financial Services Authority (FSA) Website the ‘Money Advice Service’


Pensions and Annuities

Savings & Investments

Getting further financial advice

EAC understands that older people’s choices and decisions about their care and housing involve financial considerations, and therefore we aim to provide, through EAC FirstStop Advice, as much information as we can to help our clients assess their options with a full understanding of any financial consequences.

Our own telephone Advisors are trained to be able to provide detailed information and guidance about state benefits and entitlements, and to explain in outline the main types of commercial ‘financial products’ of particular relevance to older people. They can also explain the role of Independent Financial Advisers (IFAs) and, if you wish, advise on how to go about finding one and suggest questions to ask to help you select a suitable one.

Read about getting further financial advice