Other sources of funding

Other sources of state and charitable funding for care in your own home

Other sources of funding

State Benefits Attendance Allowance Attendance Allowance is a non-means tested non-taxable allowance for people aged 65 years or over who are physically or mentally disabled and need personal care. It is paid at two rates, a lower rate of £51.85 per week for people who need personal care by day or night and a higher rate of £77.45 per […]


Financial help for carers

Carer’s assessment If you are regularly caring for a relative at home, you have the right to request an assessment of the help you might need to enable you to continue caring. Such help could include changes to your housing, concerns about your health, your life balance and whether you have time to pursue your […]


Paying for care and support at home

Home care providers will typically charge hourly for their services and you can arrange for them to come multiple times every day, to help meet your needs. This guide explores the costs involved with care at home and identifies the sources of financial support that may be available from your local authority or the NHS. […]


Finance Advice

There are a range of state benefits and grants that can assist with things such as home adaptations, home help, rent, service charges and council tax. You may also wish to explore the various financial products and services that are available. Products like equity release can help meet the cost of home improvements, whilst care […]


Housing options for people with dementia

Medical improvements and increased awareness means that more people are being diagnosed earlier, whilst they can make decisions for their future. This guides aims to identify the most common accommodation options available to older people with dementia, balancing care and support with independence. Assessment and advice In most situations, it will be wise to seek […]


Specialist housing for older people

Developments (or ‘schemes’) typically include 20 – 50 properties, though more recent ‘retirement villages’ may have 300 or more. Whilst villages are likely to have their own on-site services and therefore be remote from town or city life, most schemes are built close to social, transport and shopping facilities. Retirement/Sheltered housing Sometimes referred to as […]


Help to stay put

The majority of people choose to ‘age in place’ by adapting their home or bringing in services to ensure they can live as independently as possible, for as long as possible, in their current home. Help available can include: Help at home with domestic tasks such as housework, cooking, shopping and gardening Personal care services, […]


Housing Advice

Be open to thinking about moving, but also look into services that might help you ‘stay put’ successfully. This section aims to talk you through the most common housing options that are available for older people. If you are not sure where to start, you may wish to use our Housing Options for Older People […]


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