Finance: Your rights
Financial assessment If you have been assessed by your local council Social Services as in need of help or care, whether at home or in a care home, you have the right to a financial assessment to determine whether the council will help towards the costs. More about obtaining care and support from your local […]
Housing: Your rights
Housing: Your rights Buying property General rights applicable to all purchasers of property are not covered on this website Buying retirement property Purchasers of properties in retirement complexes that include shared facilities and/or services generally have specific rights as defined in their Lease. Additional protection for purchasers in England is provided by a Code of […]
Care: Your rights
Assessing what help or care you need If you find it difficult to manage day to day, you are generally entitled to a free assessment, by your local council Social Services, of what help or care you need. If you have a disability, this is an absolute right. An assessment must be carried out within […]
Rights Advice
Conflicts may arise when arranging help or care for an older person during of after an emergency, when everyone involved is stressed. So how to get what you are entitled to without creating extra difficulties? Care If you need care, you are generally entitled to a free professional assessment of your needs by your local […]