Somerset County Council: Home services
1 - 9 of 9 Home services, provided by Somerset County Council.
Somerset County Council

Active Living Centres
We all want to keep well, keep active and enjoy life, and Somerset Active Living can help you do just that! We have brought together information about activities that you can get involved with in your local commun...
Contact: Somerset Active Living, , County Hall, Taunton, Somerset, TA1 4DY.

Adult Social Care
Our aim is to actively promote independence and choice. We help people to live in their own homes for as long as possible. When this is no longer possible we help people to choose a good quality care home. We supp...
Contact: Somerset County Council, .

Care at Home
Care at Home helps you with things that you now find more difficult or can no longer do, such as getting up and dressed or to support your carer with these tasks or to give them a break. We pay registered care provide...
Contact: Adult Social Care, , County Hall, Taunton, Somerset, TA1 4DY.

Disabled Facilities Grant
If you or someone living in your property is disabled, you may qualify for a disabled facilities grant towards the cost of providing adaptations and facilities to enable the disabled person to continue to live there.
Contact: Housing, .

Equipment and adaptations
There is a wide range of equipment available that can easily be used in your home to make life easier. These things could be a stair rail, raised toilet seating, equipment to help in the bath or shower or items to help p...
Contact: Social Care, .

Home library service
The service allows you to access library books at home.
Contact: Adult Social Care, , County Hall, Taunton, Somerset, TA1 4DY.

Lifestyle support
The Lifestyle Support service provides help for people who are very isolated because of a serious physical or sensory disability or medical condition. They may find it very difficult, or impossible, to take part in o...
Contact: Adult Social Care, , County Hall, Taunton, Somerset, TA1 4DY.

Occupational Therapy Service
We can give advice and information to help you stay as independent as possible. This could include advice about equipment and alterations to your home to help you and your carer manage more easily.
Contact: Adult Social Care, , County Hall, Taunton, Somerset, TA1 4DY.

Somerset Community Meals Service
The Service delivers you frozen meals every two weeks. The frozen meals must be kept in a freezer and can be reheated in a microwave, special steamer or ordinary oven. This means that you can choose what you eat and w...
Contact: Adult Social Care, , County Hall, Taunton, Somerset, TA1 4DY.
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