Age UK Hounslow: Home services
1 - 7 of 7 Home services, provided by Age UK Hounslow.

Age UK Hounslow

Activities and Events
Age UK Hounslow works with a variety of charities and organisations to offer information and advice to older people, their families and carers.
Contact: Age UK Hounslow, , Southville Community Centre, Feltham, Middlesex, TW14 8AP.

Age UK London Boroughs Business Directory
The Age UK London Boroughs Business Directory has been running in London since 2012. It was designed to protect older people from rogue traders by connecting them with local reputable traders and businesses that have bee...
Contact: Age UK Hounslow, , Southville Community Centre, Feltham, Middlesex, TW14 8AP.

Due to the current Covid-19 Pandemic we are not able to offer face to face visits but we aim to be able to return to this service as soon as we can. The Telephone Service we can offer is for: Residents of the London Bor...
Contact: Age UK Hounslow, , Southville Community Centre, Feltham, Middlesex, TW14 8AP.

Information and advice
Age UK Hounslow works with a variety of charities and organisations to offer information and advice to older people, their families and carers.
Contact: Age UK Hounslow, , Southville Community Centre, Feltham, Middlesex, TW14 8AP.

Southville Vintage Club Day Provision Service
Age UK Hounslow provides a Day Service at Southville Communty Centre in Feltham, Middlesex The Age UK Hounslow Southville Vintage Day Service provides a range of activities and a hot two-course lunch for up to 20 elderl...
Contact: Age UK Hounslow, , Southville Community Centre, Feltham, Middlesex, TW14 8AP.

Wheelchair Hire
Age UK Hounslow has a range of self propellant and attendant style wheelchairs available for hire, from one day up to one month at at time.
Contact: Age UK Hounslow, , Southville Community Centre, Feltham, Middlesex, TW14 8AP.

Wills and Probate Advice
Age UK Hounslow works with a variety of charities and organisations to offer information and advice to older people, their families and carers.
Contact: Age UK Hounslow, , Southville Community Centre, Feltham, Middlesex, TW14 8AP.
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