Herefordshire Council: Home services
1 - 7 of 7 Home services, provided by Herefordshire Council.

Herefordshire Council

Community meals and lunch clubs
There are a range of meal providers who can supply both hot and frozen meals delivered direct to your home, as well as lunch clubs that operate in the community. These options are available across most of Herefordshire. ...
Contact: Home Point, .

Community Transport
Provides door to door services to enable people to access shops, libraries and health services as well as leisure. This service is run entirely by volunteers.
Contact: Community Transport, , 1 Rowberry Street, Bromyard, Herefordshire, HR7 4DU.

Get care and support
Care and support, also known as social care services or adult social care, is the term used to describe the help some adults need to live as well as possible with illness, disability or frailty. Social care services can ...
Contact: Adult Social Care, , Plough Lane, Hereford, Herefordshire, HR4 0LE.

Home Care
Home care, also sometimes called domiciliary care, can help you to live at home and remain independent for longer. Care workers can provide a range of support and assist you with essential tasks such as washing and dress...
Contact: Adult Social Care, , Brockington, 35 Hafod Road, Hereford, Herefordshire, HR1 1SH.

Home improvement and adaptations
Home improvement and adaptations The Herefordshire Handyperson Scheme is provided by Herefordshire Council’s You at Home service. All visiting Handyperson staff have been police checked and carry identity card...
Contact: You at Home - Handyperson Scheme, , Room 111 Nelson Centre, Whitecross Road, Hereford, Herefordshire, HR4 0DG.

Home Point
Most local councils and housing associations let their properties through a central system known as choice-based lettings. Once you have completed your application for housing, you will be given a priority rating ba...
Contact: Home Point, .

Living aids, equipment and telecare
Living aids, equipment and telecare There are lots of gadgets and aids on the market to help you live at home independently for longer. Medical and personal care aids improve day-to-day living, while kitchen and other g...
Contact: Telecare team, .
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