Oxford Private Care: Home services
1 - 4 of 4 Home services, provided by Oxford Private Care.

Oxford Private Care

Hourly Care
Oxford Private Care provides a wide range of care services from domestic, shopping and home help, to full personal care, assisting with medications, through to live-in care. Oxford Private Care is able t...
Contact: Oxford Private Care, , Shrublands, Faringdon Road, Cumnor, Oxford, Oxfordshire, OX2 9QY.

OPC Foot healthcare
Enhances well-being and quality of life by providing high quality foot care in the comfort of your own home. Our qualified footcare practitioner can treat: Ageing feet Athlete's foot Callus (hard skin) Corns Diebe...
Contact: OPC Foot healthcare, , Shrublands, Faringdon Road, Cumnor, Oxford, Oxfordshire, OX2 9QY.

OPC Hair & Beauty
When a trip to the salon is too much! Are you struggling to find the time to fit in a trip to the hairdressers or feel you need some pampering after working so hard? We offer a wide range of hair services so let our fr...
Contact: OPC Hair & Beauty, , Shrublands, Faringdon Road, Cumnor, Oxford, Oxfordshire, OX2 9QY.

OPC Live-in Care
Live-in care is a full time one-to-one care service, provided in the comfort of your own home with a carer that lives with you. It allows you or your loved one to stay independent in familiar surroundings with family, fr...
Contact: OPC Live-in, , Shrublands, Faringdon Road, Cumnor, Oxford, Oxfordshire, OX2 9QY.
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