OPC Foot healthcare
Ageing feet, Athlete’s foot, Callus, Corns, Fingernail/toenail clippinWhat does it do?
Enhances well-being and quality of life by providing high quality foot care in the comfort of your own home. Our qualified footcare practitioner can treat:
- Ageing feet
- Athlete's foot
- Callus (hard skin)
- Corns
- Diebetes (foot related)
- Fingernail clipping, cutting, trimming and filing
- Footwear advice
- Fungal nail infections
- Heel pain, fissures, dry and cracked heels
- Ingrown toenails
- Odorous feet
- Toenail clipping, cutting, trimming and filing
- Toenail reduction of thickened/bulky toe nails
- Verrucas
Who it is for?
Anyone requiring foot healthcare treatment in their own home in Oxfordshire.
Where it is available?
What it costs:
Initial assessment and then nails cut and filed, callus and corns treated, feet creamed etc. – from £29.00 depending on your location
Follow-up treatments
Nails cut and filed, feet creamed and treatments given – from £29.00 depending on your location (30 minutes)
Fingernail cutting only – from £18.00 depending on your location (30 minutes)
Foot care and fingernail cutting – from £36.00 depending on your location (45 minutes)
If you have foot problems that take longer to treat, we can offer treatments up to 45 minutes but an additional £6.00 is charged.
How to access or apply for it:
OPC Foot healthcare is available either by telephone, email or online enquiry.
What to expect then:
An appointment to be made with Neil Lambert MCFHP MAFHP - Foot health practitioner for an initial assessment.