Wakefield Metropolitan District Council: Home services
1 - 7 of 7 Home services, provided by Wakefield Metropolitan District Council.
Wakefield Metropolitan District Council

Adaptations service
If you or your child have a disability or a long-standing illness, which stops you or your child from carrying out everyday tasks in your home the Adaptations Service may be able to help you/your child.
Contact: Adult Social Care, .

Adult Social Care
Health and social care services support adults, older people, children and families who may need help or advice to continue to be safe, healthy or remain living independently.
Contact: Wakefield Metropolitan District Council Agency / department:, .

Care needs assessment
Care needs assessments are for adults (people aged 18 or over). They are carried out by Social Care Direct to find out what help and support you need. For example: healthcare, equipment, help in your home or residential ...
Contact: Social Care Direct, .

Community Equipment Service
We deliver equipment to people and their carers living in the community who meet agreed eligibility criteria, or who need to be nursed at home. The equipment is designed to aid daily living, support the nursing needs of ...
Contact: Health and Social Care, .

Most local councils and housing associations let their properties through a central system known as choice-based lettings. Once you have completed your application for housing, you will be given a priority rating ba...
Contact: Homesearch, .

Meals on wheels - Frozen meals
The Community Meals service is provided in partnership with the Womens Royal Voluntary Service (WRVS).WRVS provide both a hot meals service and a frozen meals service up to seven days a week. They offer quality food...
Contact: WRVS, .

Safeguarding Adults
We all have responsible for the protection of the vulnerable and reporting any concerns we may have.If you are ever worried or concerned about the safety or wellbeing of a vulnerable adult, older person or child ple...
Contact: Social Care Direct, .
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