Solihull Metropolitan Borough Council: Home services
1 - 8 of 8 Home services, provided by Solihull Metropolitan Borough Council.

Solihull Metropolitan Borough Council

Adult Social Care
Care in your own home is offered to people who require assistance, it may be with personal care such as washing or dressing, or other practical daily tasks such as help with domestic chores like cooking and cleaning, or ...
Contact: Adult Social Care, , PO Box 18, Council House, Solihull, West Midlands, B91 9QS.

Blue Badge Scheme
People with Blue Badges may park free of charge in pay and display car parks. They may also use bays marked for disabled people
Contact: Solihull Metropolitan Borough Council, , Solihull Connect Contact Centre, SMBC Offices,, West Mall Chelmsley Wood,, Solihull, West Midlands, B37 5TN.

Carer's assessment
A carer is someone who provides care and support to somebody who is ill, frail, or elderly. Carers are unpaid relatives, friends or neighbours who may provide care and support from a few hours a week to full time, in the...
Contact: Adult Social Care, , PO Box 18, Council House, Solihull, West Midlands, B91 9QS.

Day Opportunities and Extra Care
Day care for vulnerable and older people in Solihull
Contact: Adult care and support, .

Disabled Facilities Grant
If you have care and support needs, adaptations to your home, for example, a stairlift, can make it easier to live there independently for as long as possible.
Contact: Adult Social Care, .

Home care - Social care charges
Care in your own home is offered to people who require assistance, it may be with personal care such as washing or dressing, or other practical daily tasks such as help with domestic chores like cooking and cleaning, or ...
Contact: Adult Social Care, , PO Box 18, Council House, Solihull, West Midlands, B91 9QS.

Home Options
Most local councils and housing associations let their properties through a central system known as choice-based lettings. Once you have completed your application for housing, you will be given a priority rating ba...
Contact: Home Options, .

Wellbeing Service
Solihull Community Housing (SCH) Wellbeing work in partnership with Solihull Council to offer a range of services to help keep you independent, safe, and happy in your own home.
Contact: Adult Social Care, .
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