Home care - Social care charges
What does it do?
Care in your own home is offered to people who require assistance, it may be with personal care such as washing or dressing, or other practical daily tasks such as help with domestic chores like cooking and cleaning, or in some instances, help in managing your finances.Depending on your personal circumstances, you may need to pay the full cost or make a financial contribution to the cost of your care.
Financial assessment
You will have a Care Act or carer’s assessment to see what help is required and a personal budget if you need to pay for social care services.
Social care services are chargeable. The amount you can afford to contribute to your personal budget is worked out through a financial assessment.
The financial assessment will look at your income, savings and any benefits you receive. It will also look at any disability-related expenditure, which is costs you may incur relating directly to your disability, and your housing costs.
Depending on the outcome of the financial assessment you may have to contribute an amount to or pay the full cost of your care.
If you have savings of more than £23,250, or you do not want to have a financial assessment, you will have to pay the full cost of your care.
Charges for care
The amount you pay for services such as transport or day services will depend on your financial assessment.
Top up payments
If you have decided to move into a residential home or a nursing home which is more expensive than the cost agreed by Solihull Council, you may be able to top up the difference yourself or with the help of a third party.
A third party means somebody else which is not you or the Council. This means that you can get help from members of your family, friends or charities.
To use third party top up payments the person or organisation contributing to your care will need to have a contract to formalise the agreement with Solihull Council.