London Borough of Richmond upon Thames: Home services
1 - 6 of 6 Home services, provided by London Borough of Richmond upon Thames.

London Borough of Richmond upon Thames

Adult Social Care
Provides care and support services for older people living in Richmon Upon ThamesServices provided can include:• healthcare • equipment • help in your ...
Contact: London Borough of Richmond upon Thames, , 44 Civic Centre York Street, Twickenham, Middlesex, TW1 3BZ.

Disabled Facilities Grants
Disabled Facilities Grants (DFGs) are used to pay for work that is needed to help a disabled person live more independently in their own home. You get a grant for essential adaptations to give you better freedom of move...
Contact: Housing, .

Emergency alarm services
The Council's Careline and Telecare Services offer any vulnerable person help and security at the touch of a button. Using a Careline connected to your phone line, you simply press the button, and our call centre knows w...
Contact: Adult & Community Services, , Regal House London Road, Twickenham, Middlesex, TW1 3QB.

Find day and social centres
There are three council-run day centres in the borough, as well as day and social centres run by other providers.
Contact: Adult Social Care, .

Home Improvement Agency Service
Once a Referral has been received by the Agency we will visit you at home to discuss your needs and we may offer advice and guidance in the following areas: help you apply for grants and/or alternative sources of fund...
Contact: Richmond Home Improvement Agency, , Adult and Community Services, Ground Floor Civic Centre, Twickenham, Middlesex, TW1 3BZ.

Housing Information and Advice Team
We provide a range of services to improve housing standards, maintain independence and resolve customers housing problems. The Housing Information and Advice Team deal with:- Preventing homelessness- Housing advice and ...
Contact: Housing, .
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