Herefordshire: Transport > Transport Services services

1 - 9 of 9 Transport Services services in Herefordshire.

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Community Action Ledbury & District

Ledbury Ring & Ride


A fully accessible door-to-door transport scheme enabling people to meet appointments, visit friends/family, go to the hospital or visit the shops.

Contact: Community Transport, Community Voluntary Action, 4B Hill House, Bye Street, Ledbury, Herefordshire, HR8 2AA.
Herefordshire Council

Community Transport


Provides door to door services to enable people to access shops, libraries and health services as well as leisure. This service is run entirely by volunteers.

Contact: Community Transport, 1 Rowberry Street, Bromyard, Herefordshire, HR7 4DU.
Herefordshire Voluntary Organisations Support Service

Community Wheels


Community Wheels has built up a reputation of providing an efficient, reliable and friendly service to a large number of clients. For many, our scheme means the difference between getting out and seeing friends, doing th...

Contact: Community Wheels Leominster, 11 Corn Street, Leominster, Herefordshire, HR6 8LX.
hvoss (Herefordshire Voluntary Organisations Support Service)

Community Wheels


Community Wheels is a community car scheme for people in Central and North Herefordshire who are unable to use public transport and have no access to private transport of their own. We have a team of caring volunteer dri...

Contact: Community Transport, Evans Business Centre, Brunel Road, Leominster Enterprise Park, Leominster, Herefordshire, HR6 0LX.



Mealings have been established in Watford and the surrounding areas for over 25 years. We have a fleet of comfortable cars, 6-seaters and specialist wheelchair accessible vehicles to suit all needs. All wheelchair access...

Contact: Mealing Taxis, 298 Regents Park Road, Finchley, London, N3 2SZ.
QEF Mobility Services

QEF Mobility Services


Driving AssessmentsAs part of your specialist assessment, you will spend individual time with our qualified and experienced professionals, who will give you the opportunity to discuss your needs and aspirations.  Yo...

Contact: Mobility Services, 1 Metcalfe Avenue, Carshalton, Surrey, SM5 4AW.
Royal Voluntary Service

Getting Out and About


One in three older people find it difficult to get around, particularly if they don’t have a car or find public transport challenging. Royal Voluntary Service provides community transport to help older people get o...

Contact: Royal Voluntary Service, Beck Court , Cardiff Gate Business Park , Cardiff , CF23 8RP.

Hospital Support


We provide a wide range of services and support in hospitals which free up NHS staff time for patient care. Our thousands of hospital volunteers help improve older people’s experience in hospital, support their rec...

Contact: Royal Voluntary Service, Beck Court , Cardiff Gate Business Park , Cardiff , CF23 8RP.

Supporting People


Royal Voluntary Service volunteers provide practical help and companionship that make a big difference to the lives of thousands of older people each month, helping them to live more independent lives. As part of our Co...

Contact: Royal Voluntary Service, Beck Court , Cardiff Gate Business Park , Cardiff , CF23 8RP.
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