Community Wheels
Community WheelsWhat does it do?
Community Wheels has built up a reputation of providing an efficient, reliable and friendly service to a large number of clients. For many, our scheme means the difference between getting out and seeing friends, doing the shopping, visiting a doctor or simply staying at home because there is no other choice. Community Wheels exists to tackle these issues.
There is a small charge made for using our service. Fares are subsidised by our funders which include Herefordshire Council, and are similar to the cost of using a bus.
To use the service, clients must live within Central and North Herefordshire and have no alternative means of transport. The service is particularly aimed at those who live in remote areas. Trips are limited to within the county (although exceptions are made) and can be for any reason.
Who it is for?
Community Wheels is a community car scheme for people in Central & North Herefordshire who are unable to use public transport and have no access to private transport of their own.
Where it is available?
Local service (Herefordshire).
What it costs:
Contact for details
How to access or apply for it:
See contact details above
Info last updated:

11 Corn Street, Leominster, Herefordshire, HR6 8LX