Gloucestershire: Independent living > Home from hospital services services
Home from hospital services provide short term practical help for elderly people returning to their home after a period in hospital. These are designed to help people re-adjust to living at home again, gain in confidence, and provide short term practical help after hospital discharge.
The assistance provided can include help with dressing, undressing, and personal hygiene, fetching shopping or prescriptions, going to the post office or bank for you, accompanying you to hospital, GP, optician or hairdresser appointments, liaising with a range of other services on your behalf, providing essential food on the day of discharge from hospital, helping you sort out any paperwork or bills, arranging for furniture to be moved around, offering a friendly chat, encouraging you to take medication, and possibly giving benefits advice.
These services offer after care visiting immediately after discharge from hospital especially for older people who live alone. Home care after a hospital stay services aim to make sure that you can go home and live safely. Home care after a hospital stay services provides time limited services for patients returning home from hospital after illness, surgery or accident. Many elderly people are fit to return home, but need some assistance with personal care and/or other support in the early days of discharge to regain their confidence and strength. At the end of the short term help, people are often able to remain at home without any further help.
A range of different organisations provide short term home from hospital services for older people including health care organisations, local authority adult social care services , the voluntary sector, and commercial home care organisations. Many providers do not charge for the short term help, although commercial companies do charge for their services.
Discharge from hospital should always be planned and arranged by a team which will include, or have links with, Social Services and Health (the Primary Care Trust). Patients and their carers should be given adequate warning of the precise date and time of leaving hospital. There should be contingency planning for Friday afternoon or weekend discharges, and the home of a patient living alone should be properly prepared for their return. A range of services may be provided that will help you recover when you leave hospital. These could be Therapists, Care Assistants or Nurses which can be provided in your own home.
21 - 28 of 28 Home from hospital services services in Gloucestershire.

Marylebone Manor Care
Marylebone Manor Care is a newly established home care provider based London and Surrounding areas and proudly registered with the Care Quality Commission (CQC). Our primary mission is to support the local community and ...
Contact: Marylebone Manor Care Ltd , 4 Robert Street , Croydon , Croydon, London, CR0 1QQ.

Homecare services
At Right at Home, we offer dedicated care and support from a professional, friendly care team. Our home health care services are person-centred, as we tailor our visits and personal care plans according to the individual...
Contact: Right at Home.

Rojene Live in Care
Provides a live-in carer to enable you to remain living in your own home. Carers provide companionship as well as personal care, continence management, skin care, medication management and light domestic duties.
Contact: Rojene Live-in Care, 2 Mostham Place, Gloucester, Gloucestershire, GL3 4BA.

Hospital Support
We provide a wide range of services and support in hospitals which free up NHS staff time for patient care. Our thousands of hospital volunteers help improve older people’s experience in hospital, support their rec...
Contact: Royal Voluntary Service, Beck Court , Cardiff Gate Business Park , Cardiff , CF23 8RP.

Adult Social Care
The help you will receive will depend on your situation and needs. We provide a wide range of services to help adults to live as independently as possible. People can choose for the council to either provide some service...
Contact: South Gloucestershire Council, Department for Children, Adults and Health, PO Box 298, Civic Centre, High Street, Bristol, BS15 0DQ.

The Care Agency
The Care Agency has been offering a live in care service for 20 years, with personal attention to every detail. We are a national company, who introduce kind, warm and compassionate carers with traditional values wh...
Contact: The Care Agency, 23a Church Street, Lutterworth, Leicestershire, LE17 4AE.

24 Hour Live-in Home Care Service
Our expertly trained professional carers provide a range of tailored live in care services across England and Scotland, everything from companionship, personal elderly care, lifestyle support, domestic duties and social ...
Contact: The Good Care Group, 15th Floor, Tower Building, York Road, London, SE1 7NQ.

Home care
Your Care is a family run business providing hand picked carers to support clients who wish to remain living independently at home. You choose who you work with and at what times, you are very much in control of ho...
Contact: Your Care South West LTD, 111A High Street, Bristol, Avon, BS15 3QG.