Newark and Sherwood: Home maintenance > Home improvement agencies services

Home Improvement Agencies (HIAs) and Care and Repair help elderly people, disabled and other vulnerable people make adaptations to the homes they own. They are supported by Government and local authorities, and are non for profit organisations. A Home Improvement Agency will give information, advice and support to older homeowners who need repairs or improvements to their homes, or the assistance of a handyperson for decorating of gardening. The HIA will assess an elderly home owner’s needs and advise on practical, financial and legal matters related to adapting the home, repairing or insulating it. The main purpose of Home Improvement and Care and Repair agencies is to help elderly people continue to live as independently as possible.

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1 - 3 of 3 Home improvement agencies services in Newark and Sherwood.

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Age UK Nottingham and Nottinghamshire

Home Repairs and Improvements


The service provides: Information and advice on how to identify areas in the home that require maintenance and arrange to have the work carried out by reliable and trustworthy contractors. Home visits to carry o...

Contact: Age UK Nottingham and Nottinghamshire, Age UK Nottingham & Nottinghamshire, Bradbury House, 12 Shakespeare Street, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG1 4FQ.
EA Mobility

Bathroom Adaptations


EA Mobility are a family-run business specialising in providing adapted bathrooms, wet-rooms, kitchens, access ramps and associated building works nationwide. With over 20 years of experience, our team takes great p...

Contact: EA Mobility, Hereford House, Hereford Way, King's Lynn, Norfolk, PE30 4JD.
Nottinghamshire County Council

Adapting your home


All jobs must either reduce the risk of a fall or help you remain living independently in your home. Adaptations We can carry out essential minor adaptations that help you move around your home and stay steady on your ...

Contact: Nottinghamshire County Council.
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