Kent: Information and Options > Information / Signposting / Gateway service services
1 - 20 of 57 Information / Signposting / Gateway service services in Kent.
Affinity Trust

Affinity Trust
Our high quality, tailored support includes but is not limited to: Supported living Opportunities services Supported employment Shared living Outreach services Respite
Contact: Affinity Trust - Southend Office, 2 Electric Avenue, Westcliffe On Sea, Southend-On-Sea, Essex, SS0 9NQ.
Age Concern Sandwich

Personal Services
Hairdressing, Bathing, Footcare, Hearing Aids, Chair Based Yoga, Hypnotherapy, Curative Therapy, Signposting and Advice, The Personalised Independence Programme ( PIP)
Contact: Age Concern Sandwich, 19/21 Cattle Market, Sandwich, Kent, CT13 9AP.
Age UK Ashford

Information and Advice
Age UK Ashford offers a free and confidential information and advice service for older people, their families and carers. Our trained Information & Advice staff help older people in the Ashford area with issues rang...
Contact: Age UK Ashford, oe Fagg Community Centre, Farrow Court, Stanhope Road, Ashford, Kent, TN23 5RF.
Age UK Canterbury

Community Navigator Service
Our Community Navigator service offers free, confidential and impartial advice to people over 55 to help them stay independent in their own homes and is a qualified KCC community equipment assessor for simple adaptations...
Contact: Age UK Canterbury, Castle Row, Canterbury, Kent, CT1 2QY.

Information & advice
Age UK Canterbury offers a free and confidential information and advice service for older people, their families and carers. Our Information and Advice team provide help and support to older people with a number of issu...
Contact: Age UK Canterbury, Castle Row, Canterbury, Kent, CT1 2QY.
Age UK Faversham & Sittingbourne

Information & advice
Our Information and Advice Service provides free, impartial advice and all the right information you need to make informed decisions on housing, benefits and other issues affecting older people. Welfare benefits - Housi...
Contact: Age UK Faversham & Sittingbourne, The Old Fire Station , Crescent Road, Faversham, Kent, ME13 7GU.
Age UK Herne Bay & Whitstable

Information & advice
The information and advice service is available to all older people, their family, friends, carers and those who represent them, across Herne Bay and District. Our fully trained Information Officers are here to help you...
Contact: Age UK Herne Bay, 16 Reculver Road, Herne Bay, Kent, CT6 6LE.
Age UK Hythe and Lyminge

Information & Advice
Age UK Hythe and Lyminge offers a free and confidential information and advice service for older people, their families and carers. Our trained Information and Advice staff are here to support you and home visits can be...
Contact: Age UK Hythe and Lyminge, Sanford House, Stade Street, Hythe, Kent, CT21 6BD.
Age UK Maidstone

Information and Advice
Age UK Maidstone offers a free and confidential information and advice service for older people, their families and carers. I&A can be provided to those aged 50+ who live in the Maidstone Borough Council area, as we...
Contact: Age UK Maidstone, 7 Mill Street, Maidstone, Kent, ME15 6XW.

Wheelchair hire
If you have an older friend or relative visiting you or perhaps someone who is a little unsteady on their feet, then drop by our Mill Street office to take a look at the wheelchairs we have available to hire.Please note ...
Contact: Age UK Maidstone, 7 Mill Street, Maidstone, Kent, ME15 6XW.
Age UK North West Kent

Information and Advice Service
We know that growing older doesn't come with a manual. That's why we provide free information and advice to help you on topics as diverse as claiming benefits to care homes. For more information on what our service can ...
Contact: Age UK North West Kent, The Fleming Resource Centre , Clarence Row , Gravesend , Kent, DA12 1HJ.
Age UK Sevenoaks & Tonbridge

Information & advice
Each year Age UK Sevenoaks & Tonbridge provides specialist advice to many hundreds of people on a range of subjects. Local Information Packs which you can download and print out can be found on our Local information ...
Contact: Age UK Sevenoaks & Tonbridge, The Old Meeting House, St. Johns Road, Sevenoaks, Kent, TN13 3LR.
Age UK Sheppey

Information & Advice
Age UK Sheppey offers a free and confidential information and advice service for older people, their families and carers. Many people do not receive the benefits they are entitled to. We can help with benefits checks an...
Contact: Age UK Sheppey, 43 Trinity Road, Sheerness, Kent, ME12 2PF.
Age UK South Kent Coast

Information & Advice
If you're unsure of what to do, who to call or have a question big, or small, contact us to access our popular Information and Advice service. We give help with form filling, benefit entitlement, befriending and general ...
Contact: Age UK Folkestone, 65 Shaftesbury Avenue, Folkestone, Kent, CT19 4NS.
Age UK Thanet

Information & Advice
Age UK Thanet provides confidential information and advice on a wide range of issues for people age over 50, their families and carers. Our service can help with a variety of issues including: Understanding allowan...
Contact: Age UK Thanet, Zion Place, Margate, Kent, CT9 1RP.
Age UK Tunbridge Wells

Our advocacy service is designed to support you to express your wishes. This might be a simple situation, perhaps to challenge a utility bill, or may be far more complex; perhaps you are being made unhappy by those aroun...
Contact: Age UK Tunbridge Wells, Wood Street, Tunbridge Wells, Kent, TN1 2QS.

Information and Advice
Age UK Tunbridge Wells offer confidential information and advice on issues that concern older people. Often we can feel overwhelmed especially when we need help, and sometimes we can be fearful of sharing private info...
Contact: Age UK Tunbridge Wells, Wood Street, Tunbridge Wells, Kent, TN1 2QS.

Services Directory
To find out more about the services we offer at Age UK Tunbridge Wells, feel free to download the necessary documents. Whether you are calling for yourself or on behalf of someone you know, you will need to comple...
Contact: Age UK Tunbridge Wells, Wood Street, Tunbridge Wells, Kent, TN1 2QS.

Beacon (NHS continuing healthcare advocacy)
Provides in-depth specialist advice, advocacy and case management for people at any stage of the NHS continuing healthcare assessment, appeal or care planning processes. We aim to ensure that people who may be entitled t...
Contact: Beacon, 10 Napier Court Barton Lane, Abingdon, Oxfordshire, OX14 3YT.
bid services

Bid Services
bid services is a UK registered charity working with deaf, deafened, hard of hearing and physically and sensory disabled people across the UK. Our Mission Statement: “Working in partnership with deaf people to pro...
Contact: Bid Services, The Deaf Cultural Centre, Ladywood Road, Birmingham, B16 8SZ.