Edinburgh: Socialising > Day centres services
1 - 3 of 3 Day centres services in Edinburgh.
Bield Housing & Care

Day Care Opportunities
Day care provides opportunities for older people to enjoy companionship and take part in a variety of activities. Services are person centered and responsive to the wishes of service users and their carers. Our day care ...
Contact: Bield Housing Association Ltd, 79 Hopetoun Street, Edinburgh, EH7 4QF.

Libertus supports people of all ages from the areas of Gilmerton, Burdiehouse, Southhouse, Inch, Liberton, Hyvots and Gracemount who experience physical or learning disabilities or age related infirmity. Libertus p...
Contact: Libertus, 20 Gracemount Drive, Edinburgh, EH16 6RN.
The Eric Liddell Centre

The Eric Liddell Centre
The Eric Liddell Centre has developed a range of services to meet the needs identified in the local and wider Edinburgh community, as a result of research and consultation with partner organizations as well as individual...
Contact: The Eric Liddell Centre, The Eric Liddell Centre, 15 Morningside Road, Edinburgh, EH10 4DP.