Kent: Socialising > Companionship /befriending services
1 - 20 of 66 Companionship /befriending services in Kent.
Age Concern Sandwich

Befriending Service
Are you stuck at home 24/7? Do you go weeks without seeing anyone? Did you know you could have a regular volunteer to pop in and see you to have a cuppa and chat, go for a walk around the block, share a crosswo...
Contact: Age Concern Sandwich, 19/21 Cattle Market, Sandwich, Kent, CT13 9AP.

The Sunflower Centre
The Sunflower Centre is for people over 50 with dementia who are unsuitable for social day care because of a need for greater attention and stimulation or a more secure environment. Daily activities include: music t...
Contact: Age Concern Sandwich, 19/21 Cattle Market, Sandwich, Kent, CT13 9AP.
Age UK

Call in Time- Telephone Friendship Service
Call in Time aims to reduce loneliness and social isolation in older people by providing them with regular telephone chats.
Contact: Call in Time Telephone Friendship Service, Tavis House 1-6 Tavistock Square, London, WC1H 9NA.
Age UK Ashford

Services at a Distance
Social bubbles, Meals delivery, Doorstep chats, Help at Home, Walks and shopping, Laundry.
Contact: Age UK Ashford, The Joe Fagg Community Centre, Farrow Court, Stanhope Road, Ashford, N23 5RF.

The Joe Fagg Community Centre
Our aim is to provide a happy, welcoming and stimulating atmosphere for our members to enjoy a day out in the company of like minded people.We offer a number of services within the centre, including: entertainment, fresh...
Contact: Age UK Ashford, The Joe Fagg Community Centre, Farrow Court, Stanhope Road, Ashford, Kent, TN23 5RF.
Age UK Canterbury

Activities and Events
Find out here about activities and events taking place at Age UK Canterbury.
Contact: Age UK Canterbury, Castle Row, Canterbury, Kent, CT1 2QY.

Befriending service
Our befriending service involves matching older people with a volunteer befriender who will visit them at home for about an hour a week, or make regular telephone calls for companionship and support. We try to make sure...
Contact: Age UK Canterbury, Castle Row, Canterbury, Kent, CT1 2QY.

Day Centre
Our Day Centre provides an opportunity for older people to meet and engage in social activities. The centre offers friendship and social interaction that encourage health and independence, this is recognised as being be...
Contact: Age UK Canterbury, Castle Row, Canterbury, Kent, CT1 2QY.
Age UK Herne Bay & Whitstable

Telephone Befriending Service
At Age UK Herne Bay and Whitstable, we are introducing new services frequently during this difficult time to support our local older people. We have made, on average, 1,045 welfare calls to the older people in our l...
Contact: Age UK Herne Bay, 16 Reculver Road, Herne Bay, Kent, CT6 6LE.

Two's Company
Our Two's Company service offer friendly companionship for older people in Herne Bay and Whitstable plus the surrounding area. This free service provides regular support to older people who request help in order t...
Contact: Age UK Herne Bay, 16 Reculver Road, Herne Bay, Kent, CT6 6LE.
Age UK Hythe and Lyminge

'Call in Time' telephone befriending service and local befriending. Not having someone to talk to regularly can be lonely and isolating, particularly if you’re used to sharing your home and time with others. ...
Contact: Age UK Hythe and Lyminge, Sanford House, Stade Street, Hythe, Kent, CT21 6BD.

Our new social group for the over 45's. The inbetweeners social group offers members the opportunity to meet new people and socialise. Benifits of membership include: 10% off Sunday lunch at the Hythe centre,&...
Contact: Age UK Hythe and Lyminge, Sanford House, Stade Street, Hythe, Kent, CT21 6BD.
Age UK Maidstone

At Age UK Maidstone one of the ways we try to beat loneliness in later life is through our Befriending Service, where a volunteer visits an older person once a week in their own home. Each older person is assigned ...
Contact: Age UK Maidstone, 7 Mill Street, Maidstone, Kent, ME15 6XW.

Exercise and Socialise
The club consists mainly of seated exercises that last around 30-40 minutes long. With the help from our fully trained and qualified volunteer, you will see an improvement in strength, balance and posture in no time.&nbs...
Contact: Age UK Maidstone, 7 Mill Street, Maidstone, Kent, ME15 6XW.

Independent Living Support
The independent living support service is designed to assist older people to remain independent in their own homes. We can provide assistance with day to day tasks such as cleaning, laundry, bed changing, shopping and be...
Contact: Age UK Maidstone, 7 Mill Street, Maidstone, Kent, ME15 6XW.
Age UK North West Kent

Activities and events
Find out here about activities and events taking place at Age UK North West Kent
Contact: Age UK North West Kent, The Fleming Resource Centre , Clarence Row , Gravesend , Kent, DA12 1HJ.
Age UK Sevenoaks & Tonbridge

Community Befriending
Loneliness and isolation can have big impact on the health and welbeing of older people. Age UK Sevenoaks and Tonbridge provides a Community Befriending service to help tackle the causes of isolation and loneliness. The...
Contact: Age UK Sevenoaks & Tonbridge, The Old Meeting House, St. Johns Road, Sevenoaks, Kent, TN13 3LR.
Age UK Sheppey

Age UK Sheppey Day Clubs
We offer a range of clubs across Sheppey. You can drop in or stay for the day and we can also help with transport. Our clubs takes place at Rosemary House Centre in Sheerness and Roxeth Centre in Leysdown. The clubs are ...
Contact: Age UK Sheppey, 43 Trinity Road, Sheerness, Kent, ME12 2PF.

Our free befriending service aims to tackle the impact which loneliness can have on the health and wellbeing of older people. Age UK Sheppey closely match the older person with a volunteer befriender who will visit them...
Contact: Age UK Sheppey, 43 Trinity Road, Sheerness, Kent, ME12 2PF.
Age UK South Kent Coast

Keep In Touch (Befriending telephone service)
At Age UK South Kent Coast, we try to combat loneliness in later life for local residents, one such way is with our Keep In Touch (KIT) scheme. How Keep In Touch (KIT) works: KIT is primarily for people over the ag...
Contact: Age UK Folkestone, 65 Shaftesbury Avenue, Folkestone, Kent, CT19 4NS.