Cotswold: Socialising > Companionship /befriending services
1 - 20 of 48 Companionship /befriending services in Cotswold.
Age UK

Call in Time- Telephone Friendship Service
Call in Time aims to reduce loneliness and social isolation in older people by providing them with regular telephone chats.
Contact: Call in Time Telephone Friendship Service, Tavis House 1-6 Tavistock Square, London, WC1H 9NA.
Age UK Gloucestershire

Community Drop-ins
We are holding weekly Community Drop-ins around Gloucestershire to help provide people with support, information and guidance, find out where to meet us. Who can come and chat to us? We welcome anyone aged 65 and over,...
Contact: Age UK Gloucestershire.

Our social groups
If you fancy joining people in your local community for a chat and a cup of tea, there are many different groups meeting weekly around Gloucestershire. Find one near you! What are Social Groups like? Our welcoming Soci...
Contact: Age UK Gloucestershire.
Barton Senior Citizens Club
Barton Senior Citizens Club
The club meets once a fortnight on a Thursday 2.00pm -4.00pm. It is a lively group on about 60 members, it is an opportunity for social contact with entertainment, speakers, raffle etc. Occasional trips out are arr...
Contact: Barton Senior Citizens Club, Watermoor Church Hall, Watermoor Road, Cirencester, Gloucestershire, GL7 1JR.
Black Elders Day Centre
Black Elders Day Centre
Day Centre runs Tues and Thurs 10 am – 3.30pm Provides opportunity for social contact, exercises, activities, crafts etc
Contact: Black Elders Day Centre, St. Catherine Court, 2 Wheatstone Road, Gloucester, Gloucestershire, GL1 4PX.
British Red Cross Society

Get financial help & advice
If you're struggling with debt or other money problems and need to get through a period of financial difficulty, we can help you find free financial advice.
Contact: British Red Cross Society, 44 Moorfields, London, EC2Y 9AL.

Get help with loneliness
If you are feeling lonely, please know that you are not alone. The British Red Cross is here to help you. One in five people in the UK say they experience feelings of loneliness, and during the coronavirus pandemic ...
Contact: British Red Cross Society, 44 Moorfields, London, EC2Y 9AL.

Get support at home
If you are feeling lonely, please know that you are not alone. The British Red Cross is here to help you. One in five people in the UK say they experience feelings of loneliness, and during the coronavirus pandemic ...
Contact: British Red Cross Society, 44 Moorfields, London, EC2Y 9AL.
C.O.S.Y. Club
C.O.S.Y Club (Cerney over Sixties Club)
Meetings held at the village hall every 3rd Thursday of the month 2.00 -3.30pm. An opportunity for older people to get out and enjoy others company. Refreshments are available, entertainments, speakers etc
Contact: C.O.S.Y Club (Cerney over Sixties Club), Village Hall School Lane, Cirencester, Gloucestershire, GL7 5TZ.
Carewatch Care Services

Our mission at Carewatch is to provide high quality care outcomes for vulnerable people who want to live at home, independently. We provide quality, personalised home care services designed to enable our customers to re...
Contact: Carewatch, CSN Care Group Ltd t/a Carewatch, Unit 4, Rankin House, Murdoch Court, Roebuck Way, Knowlhill, Milton Keynes, Buckinghamshire, MK5 8GB.
Chinese Carers Support Group
Chinese Carers Support Group
A support group runs with activities/talks etc. A lunch is provided. Some carers attend the group but if they prefer to take some respite from their caring duties this is encouraged
Contact: Chinese Carers Support Group, The Voluntary Agencies Unit, Ground Floor, 75-81 Eastgate Street, Gloucester, Gloucestershire, GL1 1PN.
Cirencester Good Neighbours
Cirencester Good Neighbours
Provides friendship and company by linking you with a volunteer who can visit you in your own home once a week
Contact: Cirencester Good Neighbours, 23 Sheep Street, Cirencester, Gloucestershire, GL7 1QW.
Clear Care Limited

Clear Care Limited
Clear Care are focused on delivering high quality person centred services based on the individual needs of each person. We support people to live independently in their own home and access a wide range of...
Contact: Clear Care, 38 brunswick, Gloucester, Gloucester, Gloucestershire, Gl44rd.
Cotswold Friends
Our services
Our mission is to combat loneliness and isolation and support independent living. Please contact us if you need any support. There is great need in the Cotswolds and we would welcome any new volunteers so please contact ...
Contact: Cotswold Friends.
Crossroads Gloucestershire
Cae services
Our mission is to be the provider of choice for the provision of quality care services for people in Gloucestershire and Herefordshire. We offer support to those with care needs, their carers, elderly people and people ...
Contact: Crossroads Gloucestershire.
Eastleach and Southrop Friendship Circle
Eastleach and Southrop Friendship Group
The Friendship Circle meets on the 1st Thurs of the month from 3.00pm (Time may be earlier in winter months). The meetings alternate between Southrop and Eastleach village halls. These are opportunities for people to so...
Contact: Eastleach and Southrop Friendship Circle, Southrop and Eastleach Village Halls.

Elder helps people stay safe and comfortable at home by assisting with daily activities of living via personal care, dementia care and part-time, full-time or live-in care.
Contact: Elder, 1st floor, 230 City Road, London, London, Greater London, EC1V 2TT.
Fairford Hospital League of Friends
The Edna Dawes Luncheon Club
The luncheon club meets Mondays and Wednesdays 10.30-2.00pm. It is an opportunity to share time over a meal and have company. There is usually an activity planned. The luncheon club also allows carers t...
Contact: Fairford Hospital League of Friends, Fairford Hospital, The Croft, Fairford, Gloucestershire, GL7 4BB.
Gloucester Befriending Services

Gloucestershire Befriending Services Ltd
Enable the elderly or disabled to live independently by providing a range of services such as companionship, help with household chores, cleaning, lifts and accompanying to shops, appointments etc., meal preparation and ...
Contact: Gloucestershire Befriending Services Ltd, Kingsholm Square, Kingsholm, Gloucester, Gloucestershire.
Helping hands support service (Bampton Oxfordshire)

Helping hands support service
Helping hands support service, supports all the community. We will do all we can to support you and your family, were here to help you with every aspect of daily life. Please call us and let us know how we can help.
Contact: Helping hands support service, 4 Fox Close, Bampton, Oxfordshire, OX18 2NH.