Eastleach and Southrop Friendship Group

What does it do?

The Friendship Circle meets on the 1st Thurs of the month from 3.00pm (Time may be earlier in winter months). The meetings alternate between Southrop and Eastleach village halls.
These are opportunities for people to socialise and enjoy trips out, there may be guest speakers, music and entertainment.Tea of sandwiches, cake etc is available

Who it is for?

For older people in Eastleach and Southrop villages and surrounding area

Where it is available?

Local service (Cotswold).

What it costs:

Small annual membership (£2)  and cost of tea £2

How to access or apply for it:

Telephone Mrs Parris 01367 850321 to find out more and ascertain where the meeting will be held next and time etc


Info last updated:

Southrop and Eastleach Village Halls