Tyne and Wear: Home maintenance > Home maintenance grants & loans services
1 - 5 of 5 Home maintenance grants & loans services in Tyne and Wear.
Care & Repair Newcastle

Care and Repair Newcastle
Care and Repair Newcastle is a not for profit service that provides services to help people to live in homes that are comfortable, safe and secure.We help disabled people, older people and homeowners with grants and loan...
Contact: Care & Repair Newcastle, Fairer Housing Unit, 9th Floor, Civic Centre, Barras Bridge, Newcastle, NE1 8QN.
North Tyneside Council
Financial assistance and grants
Private sector housing renewal: Financial assistanceYou can find our policy on private sector housing renewal below. The policy is currently under review and at present other than the provision of disabled facilities gra...
Contact: Private Housing, Environmental Health Housing, North Tyneside Council.
Safe and healthy homes
We give advice and guidance to help residents to solve health-related housing issues and improve physical / mental health through referrals to relevant services and organisations.If you're a social housing tenant, you sh...
Contact: Housing, Quadrant East, Cobalt Business Park, Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE27 0BY.
South Tyneside Council

Disabled Facilities Grant
If you struggle to get around the house safely because you are older or disabled, you may be able to get a grant towards the cost of adaptations. A Disabled Facilities Grant is a grant from South Tyneside Council to hel...
Contact: Adult Social Care.
Sunderland City Council
Home Improvement Agency Service
The Home Improvement Agency helps people in need of support to maintain their independence in their chosen home for the foreseeable future.This will be achieved by supporting people throughout the repair, adaptation or i...
Contact: Sunderland Home Improvement Agency, Independent Living Centre, Claymere Road, Leechmere Industrial Estate, Sunderland, Tyne & Wear, SR2 9TS.