Greater Manchester: Home maintenance > Major repairs services
1 - 3 of 3 Major repairs services in Greater Manchester.
EA Mobility

Bathroom Adaptations
EA Mobility are a family-run business specialising in providing adapted bathrooms, wet-rooms, kitchens, access ramps and associated building works nationwide. With over 20 years of experience, our team takes great p...
Contact: EA Mobility, Hereford House, Hereford Way, King's Lynn, Norfolk, PE30 4JD.
Salford City Council

Home Improvement Agency Service
Types of support Major repairs to their homes such as leaking roofs, damp or electrical problems. Advice, support and project management of large jobs. Help to find finance for any required work, such as a loan prod...
Contact: Salford Home Improvement and Assistance (HIA), Housing and Planning, Salford Civic Centre, Chorley Road, Swinton, Salford, M27 5BY.
Trafford Metropolitan Borough Council
Home Adaptations
An adaptation is an alteration or addition to your home that will allow you or a carer greater safety or independence to access your home and its facilities. Determining what you need is the first stage, and we can only...
Contact: Housing.