EAC Entertainers' Directory

Entertainers Types

1,321 - 1,340 of 1,367 entertainer(s).

Solo acts

Tracey Lyle

Music - Jazz.

Fees: £31 - £50
Location: Herts, Beds, Bucks & London

Tracy's Trip Down Memory Lane

Female Singer/30s 40s 50s Era. I have been in the entertainment Industry for many years. Animated Singer,professional Artist with an entertaining and interactive approach,sing many cover version of well known stars. To n... more...

Fees: £51 - £75
Location: Hampshire & Surrey

Traditional music, dance and song

​Traditional and modern songs chosen by participants, accompanied by music leader and participants using guitar, concertina or percussion. Sessions include one or more of: challenge songs (harmonies or rounds), chair-b... more...

Fees: £51 - £75
Location: Somerset and nearby areas.

Trevor Dixon

Music - General /variety /sing along.

Fees: £51 - £75
Location: Northern Ireland

Trevor Santini Entertainments


Fees: £51 - £75
Location: West Midlands, Staffordshire, Nottinghamshire., Warwickshire, Herefordshire, Shropshire & Derbyshire

Trevor Walton

My show consists of all types of music, from singalong, all country, all Irish, to my normal show with every type of music catered for. I work for top agencies, and have appeared on ITV, ITV 1, ITV 2  and Radio One ... more...

Fees: £76 - £100
Location: Suffolk and surrounding areas

Trevor Woodhead

Professional Singer and Keyboard performing popular songs from 50's, 60's, 70's and 80's. Established in over 120 care homes plus Day Centres and Sheltered Accomodation Schemes. Receive 25-35 bookings every month. No bac... more...

Fees: £51 - £75
Location: Yorkshire

Tricia Court

SONGS WE LOVE TO SING. TRICIA has created a number of programmes, each tailored to suit all abilities and occasions. With her lively personality she has an instant rapport with her audience. Interaction and audience... more...

Fees: £76 - £100
Location: Anywhere in south east England


Ukelele Eric

Audience participation, Comedy, Music - Music Hall, Music - General /variety /sing along.

Fees: Over £100
Location: United Kingdom

Ukelele player and singer

Music - General /variety /sing along.

Fees: £51 - £75
Location: Lancashire & Yorkshire

Ukelle player and singer

Music - General /variety /sing along.

Fees: £51 - £75
Location: Lancashire & Yorkshire

Ukulele Ben

I am a ukulele player who performs songs from the 1950s to the present day. I have spent ten years performing, as a soloist and as part of a band, in care homes, social groups, and community events. I also lead Singing ... more...

Fees: £51 - £75
Location: Bristol

Ukulele Henry

Ukulele Henry Entertainer for Care Homes & Nursing Homes. Vocalist and musician, Ukulele Henry is an entertainer covering a wide range of songs from yesteryear sing-a-longs 40s, 50s & 60s etc... To present day, e... more...

Fees: £51 - £75
Location: Leeds and Bradford but not frightened to venture beyond West Yorkshire.

Ukulele Mark and his one man band

​My name is Ukulele Mark & I am the leader of my one man band! I play Uke banjo, hi hat, kazoo, harmonica & my vintage case as my drum! I play old time sing along, war time, 60's & 70's music....and no back... more...

Fees: £31 - £50
Location: Essex

Unique Keys

Audience participation, Music - Ballads, Music - Classical, Music - Country & Western, Music - Music Hall, Music - General /variety /sing along.

Fees: £76 - £100
Location: Berkshire

Val Ross

Music - Ballads, Music - Country & Western, Music - General /variety /sing along.

Fees: Negotiable
Location: Somerset area, Bristol

Vanessa At The Keyboard

Keyboard and vocalist, playing old time favourites from the 30s,40s, 50,s 60, 70,s. Performing on Yamaha’s flagship Tyros 4 keyboard and equipped with the latest high quality Bose compact sound system. The soundsys... more...

Fees: £31 - £50
Location: Leicestershire/Warwickshire

Various Presentations/talks with exhibits - History of the Button - Victorian Jewellry - What on earth is it?

A talk about the History of the Button beginning in Caveman times and how they did up their animal skins and continue on through British history showing how the button was influenced by historical events and fashion. Its... more...

Fees: £51 - £75
Location: Anywhere within 40 minutes drive from BR5