Noble Live-in Care
Noble Live-in care, Home care, Care at home, Home care servicesWhat does it do?
Noble Live-in Care provides one-to-one, 24 hour live-in care and companionship for adults aged 18+, transforming their quality of life and empowering them to be as independent as possible.
Noble Live-in Care offers respite, reablement, long-term, palliative and end of life care to people with physical disabilities, learning disabilities, long term conditions such as dementia and MS, cancer, life-limiting conditions, following illness and injury and the elderly.
Your personalised care package will be tailored to your needs, wishes and goals. You'll be carefully matched with a live-in care worker who will live with you in your home. Noble will take into account your preferences, lifestyle and interests to make sure your live-in care worker is a great fit for you. In addition to expertly handling your physical care needs, your live-in care worker will support you to achieve your goals, whether that's running your home, going to work, completing your studies, pursuing hobbies and interests, spending time with family and friends, even taking a holiday!
Noble Live-in Care is a managed service, taking away all the hassle of directly employing your live-in care worker or PA. Noble will employ your live-in care worker and take care of their training, pay and benefits. They'll provide immediate, appropriate cover when your livein care worker is on holiday or sick; and, perhaps most importantly, will continually monitor your care to ensure you receive the highest quality support and achieve your goals.
Who it is for?
Adults 18 years and over.
Where it is available?
What it costs:
Care packages for 1:1 support 24/7 starts from £1290 per week dependant on individual care requirments.
How to access or apply for it:
Please call 0333 121 2601 for more information or visit our website
What to expect then:
A discussion regarding our service to find out individual care requirements, a quote is then confirmed via email and Factsheet sent. Assessments can be booked, where a Locality Manager living in your area can visit to compile a person-centred care plan and risk assess the property. All our carer needs is a furnished spare bedroom.
Additional information:
Noble can start care within 24 hours if deemed to do so, offering same day managed starts if deemed safe to do so.
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