Bolton Newstalk

The Talking Newspaper for the visually impaired in Bolton

What does it do?

The Bolton News allows us to use and adapt articles from their newspaper, and each week a team of volunteers comes together to record the news programme.  These teams consist of:

  • a Producer - responsible for editing and compiling the programme
  • a Studio Manager - who deals with all technical aspects of the recording
  • four Readers - they read the articles compiled by the Producer
  • Copiers - they are responsible for copying and distributing the programme to all our listeners

We distribute Bolton Newstalk programmes to our listeners on USB memory sticks that can be played on a computer, or through our stand-alone speakers, which are available to our customers through Bolton Newstalk.  

As well as weekly news bulletins, we record a seasonal magazine programme, which includes useful information.

For other organisations, we offer an Audio Conversion Service, which can be recorded onto printed CD's or USB as required.  Get in touch to find out how we can help you.

Who it is for?

We provide a weekly news bulletin to residents of Bolton who are blind, partially sighted or have a temporary or permanent disability or incapacity that makes reading a strain.

Where it is available?

Local service (Bolton).

What it costs:

Delivered FREE, every week. 

How to access or apply for it:

See contact details above


Info last updated:
