Home Visiting Scheme for the Visually Impaired

What does it do?

A home visiting scheme that would help the substantially visually impaired maintain their independence, whilst relieving their social isolation. Home visiting is a very important contribution to community care.
Typically, visitors help their clients by filling in forms; personal shopping; undertaking small household tasks; reading/writing correspondence; finding lost items and taking them on outings.

Who it is for?

The substantially visually impaired

Where it is available?

Local service (Rother).

How to access or apply for it:

Scheme Manager
Mrs Jenny Private - Email or telephone 01424 848365

Additional information:

Homecall currently maintains a visitor list of about 60 with a similar number of clients. Our visitors usually visit their clients at least weekly — a total of around 3,000 visits per annum. A majority of our visitors are above retirement age themselves.
Because it is known that a significant number of older people prefer not to register as blind or partially-sighted (and therefore do not show up in Adult Social Care statistics), it is difficult to determine the level of unmet demand. However, it is estimated that one in five people will eventually suffer from visual impairment.


Info last updated:
