Daybreak Day Opportunities
A warm ,friendly ,supportive environment where people can socialiseWhat does it do?
We provide building based daycare for older people living in the Biddulph / Staffordshire Moorlands areas. We provide a warm, friendly , supportive environment where people can socialise and access the community.
We offer a range of activities such as exercises, baking, quizzes, crafts ,cards and dominoes etc and regularly go out for trips. We provide a two course meal (catering for individual diets), breakfast and refreshments throughout the day.
We can support people with transport and can be flexible in the hours we provide. Our core hours are 10 - 3pm.
The staff are NVQ qualified, fully trained and have many years experience working with older people .
we provide much needed respite for carers of vulnerable,frail people.
Who it is for?
Older people 50+
Where it is available?
What it costs:
£8 per hour or £36.50 for a 5 hour day. We accept people in receipt of personal budgets, direct payments or self funding.
How to access or apply for it:
Please contact either
Fiona Fowler 07981 856972 or Sandra Shenton 07970 913780
or email
What to expect then:
When you make contact with us we will have an informal chat about how we can help you.
Info last updated: