Norfolk County Council: Home services
1 - 7 of 7 Home services, provided by Norfolk County Council.
Norfolk County Council

Adult Social Care
Adult Care covers a wide range of support which can be provided by local councils, voluntary organisations, private companies, as well as friends and relatives. Examples of support are: Help in your home such as gett...
Contact: Norfolk County Council, , County Hall, Martineau Lane, Norwich, Norfolk, NR1 2DH.

Home Safety Advice
Fire safety at home We want you to be safe from fire in your home. Around half of Norfolk’s house fires have an electrical cause. Find out more about electrical fire safety to reduce the risk of a fire star...
Contact: Norfolk Fire and Rescue Service, , Norfolk County Council, County Hall, Martineau Lane, Norwich, Norfolk, NR1 2DH.

Home support and home care
Support at home is known as many things, including home care, home support, domiciliary care and non-residential care. These services provide practical help for people to stay independent at home, in housing with care an...
Contact: Social care, .

Making physical changes to your home
You may need to adapt or change your home if you have certain needs. For example, if you have reduced mobility, adaptions can make your home easier to live in. Adaptations can include: Ramps for a wheelchair Grab rail...
Contact: Social care, .

Mobile libraries book club
Borrow this season’s book from your mobile library and get involved in the conversation. Each season we'll select a book, loosely based on the season, for you to borrow and review. You’ll have up to 3 month...
Contact: Libraries, .

Norfolk First Support - reablement support at home
The Norfolk First Support service provides short-term support in your home for up to 6 weeks, usually after you've been in hospital or you’ve experienced a change of circumstances, for example due to an illness. Th...
Contact: Norfolk County Council, , Breckland Business Centre, St Withburga Lane, Dereham, Norfolk, NR19 2BR.

Support for carers
Carers Matter Norfolk provide free, independent and confidential support for unpaid carers living in Norfolk. You can contact them at for information and advice about: Financial and ...
Contact: Social care, .
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