Age UK Lincoln & South Lincolnshire: Home services
1 - 10 of 10 Home services, provided by Age UK Lincoln & South Lincolnshire.

Age UK Lincoln & South Lincolnshire

Activities and events
Keeping active and social with Age UK Lincoln & South Lincolnshire.
Contact: Age UK Lincoln, , 36 Park Street, Lincoln, Lincolnshire, LN1 1UQ.

Providing companionship for older, lonely and housebound people to improve and fulfill their social life within their own home. Our trainedvolunteers will provide regular contact on a day and time that suits you. A ...
Contact: Age UK Lincoln, , 36 Park Street, Lincoln, Lincolnshire, LN1 1UQ.

Building Connections
Building Connections is a project we offer across the Boston & South Holland area funded by the National Lottery Community Fund with the aim of helping reduce loneliness and isolation. Our support service can provid...
Contact: Age UK Lincoln, , 36 Park Street, Lincoln, Lincolnshire, LN1 1UQ.

Foot care is particularly important in later life, and making sure your feet are in good health will allow to stay more active and independent for longer. Alistair, who runs the foot care clinic at Park Street is extreme...
Contact: Age UK Lincoln, , 36 Park Street, Lincoln, Lincolnshire, LN1 1UQ.

Help in the home
Your Home - Your Support Your Way, Domestic support services, Laundry, Gardening services, Lifestyle support services
Contact: Age UK Lincoln, , 36 Park Street, Lincoln, Lincolnshire, LN1 1UQ.

Hospital Discharge Resettlement Service
Providing companionship for older, lonely and housebound people to improve and fulfill their social life within their own home. Our trainedvolunteers will provide regular contact on a day and time that suits you. A ...
Contact: Age UK Lincoln, , 36 Park Street, Lincoln, Lincolnshire, LN1 1UQ.

Information & Advice
Age UK Lincoln & South Lincolnshire offers a free and confidential information and advice service for older people, their families and carers. Our Information and Advice service provides face to face information abo...
Contact: Age UK Lincoln, , 36 Park Street, Lincoln, Lincolnshire, LN1 1UQ.

Maintenance Cognitive Stimulation Therapy (MCST)
Maintenance Cognitive Stimulation Therapy (MCST) is a weekly programme for people living with mild to moderate dementia. Age UK Lincoln & South Lincolnshire are pleased to be taking part in a pilot project wher...
Contact: Age UK Lincoln, , 36 Park Street, Lincoln, Lincolnshire, LN1 1UQ.

Personal Care Services
Age UK Lincoln & South Lincolnshire have a person centered home care service recognising the needs of each person we support. We believe that people are unique and their care should reflect this. We work with ...
Contact: Age UK Lincoln, , 36 Park Street, Lincoln, Lincolnshire, LN1 1UQ.

Telecare - Independence and safety at home
At Age UK Lincoln & South Lincolnshire we recognise that home is where the heart is, and provide a range of products and services that enable people to live safely and maintain their independence in their own homes.&...
Contact: Age UK Lincoln, , 36 Park Street, Lincoln, Lincolnshire, LN1 1UQ.
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