Age Concern Slough & Berkshire East: Home services
1 - 3 of 3 Home services, provided by Age Concern Slough & Berkshire East.
Age Concern Slough & Berkshire East

Age Concern Day Centre, Old Windsor
The Age Concern Day Care Centre provides day care facilities for older people with various physical and mental health needs or who may feel isolated and lonely. We offer door-to-door transport facilities, nutritious hot ...
Contact: Age Concern Slough & Berkshire East, , 551 Fairlie Road, Slough, Berkshire, SL1 1HL.

Feeling lonely?Loneliness and isolation can often lead to a poorer quality of life for older people and left unaddressed can lead to additional health problems. Our Befriending service is a vital support service in addre...
Contact: Age Concern Slough & Berkshire East, , 551 Fairlie Road, Slough, Berkshire, SL1 1HL.

Home help & home from hospital service
Help coming out of hospital. Working out of Wexham Park Hospital, our team provide accompanied transport for people to help them get home from hospital. We then ensure that our clients are settled in, and help with the l...
Contact: Age Concern Slough & Berkshire East, , 551 Fairlie Road, Slough, Berkshire, SL1 1HL.
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