Age UK Milton Keynes: Home services
1 - 10 of 10 Home services, provided by Age UK Milton Keynes.

Age UK Milton Keynes

Activities and events
Find out here about activities and clubs we offer in Milton Keynes
Contact: Age UK Milton Keynes, , 1 Peartree Centre Chadds Lane, Milton Keynes, Buckinghamshire, MK6 3EB.

Befriending Service
Our befrienders are following government rules during the pandemic so they are now able to meet up indoors subject to certain conditions. We continue to provide a telephone befriending service. The number of ...
Contact: Age UK Milton Keynes, , 1 Peartree Centre Chadds Lane, Milton Keynes, Buckinghamshire, MK6 3EB.

COGS Clubs
MCST for older people with mild to moderate dementia Enjoy a weekly session of MCST (Maintenance Cognitive Stimulation Therapy) in a caring, supportive environment. Group members take part in meaningful and stimul...
Contact: Age UK Milton Keynes, , 1 Peartree Centre Chadds Lane, Milton Keynes, Buckinghamshire, MK6 3EB.

Deep Clean Service
Our team can return a property to a hygienic condition, ensuring a person's home is clean and safe for them to live in. We can make a home ready for patients being discharged from hospital, helping to support their...
Contact: Age UK Milton Keynes, , 1 Peartree Centre Chadds Lane, Milton Keynes, Buckinghamshire, MK6 3EB.

Hospital Aftercare Service
If someone is unable to leave hospital because they have no family or other support locally, where it is appropriate, we can take them home and provide support. Sometimes a simple practical task can be preventing ...
Contact: Age UK Milton Keynes, , The Peartree Centre, 1 Chadds Lane, Peartree Bridge, Milton Keynes, MK6 3EB.

Independent Living Service
We provide a grass cutting, tidying and pruning service.The number of hours gardening you can have depends on the size of your garden and how often you would like the service. Some people have just an hour a mo...
Contact: Age UK Milton Keynes, , The Peartree Centre, 1 Chadds Lane, Peartree Bridge, Milton Keynes, MK6 3EB.

Information & advice service
Free, independent advice and information can be provided on any aspect of life for older people. Our main office has an information line and we can send out free factsheets on a variety of subjects.
Contact: Age UK Milton Keynes, , 1 Peartree Centre Chadds Lane, Milton Keynes, Buckinghamshire, MK6 3EB.

Meal Delivery Service
Freshly cooked, delicious and nutritious meals are prepared in our kitchen at The Peartree Centre by our experienced chef Kris and his team of volunteers. A typical meal consists of a starter, main course, d...
Contact: Age UK Milton Keynes, , 1 Peartree Centre Chadds Lane, Milton Keynes, Buckinghamshire, MK6 3EB.

Trusted Traders scheme
This scheme helps you find reputable contractors. Builders, electricians, plumbers, etc All of the businesses listed are able to help during the coronavirus pandemic. They are expected to provide a considerate service t...
Contact: Age UK Milton Keynes, , 1 Peartree Centre Chadds Lane, Milton Keynes, Buckinghamshire, MK6 3EB.

Walking Befriending
Come for a walk with us, at your own pace, near your home. This free service is for older people living in Milton Keynes who have experienced a significant life event, such as bereavement or illness, which has put t...
Contact: Age UK Milton Keynes, , 1 Peartree Centre Chadds Lane, Milton Keynes, Buckinghamshire, MK6 3EB.
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