Age UK Thanet: Home services
1 - 11 of 11 Home services, provided by Age UK Thanet.

Age UK Thanet

Activities and events
Find out here about activities and events taking place at Age UK Thanet.
Contact: Age UK Thanet, , Zion Place, Margate, Kent, CT9 1RP.

askCAL Service
Services providing practical support for anyone 18+ in the Thanet area. Help is offered to encourage, support and build confidence. Practical support can include: Household Tasks - Transport to and from m...
Contact: Age UK Thanet, , Zion Place, Margate, Kent, CT9 1RP.

Catering services
Catering services both at home and at our Community Hub
Contact: Age UK Thanet, , Zion Place, Margate, Kent, CT9 1RP.

Coffee mornings
Tea, coffee and chat with friends!
Contact: Age UK Thanet, , Zion Place, Margate, Kent, CT9 1RP.

Community Hub
Our Margate Community Hub has been laid out with comfort in mind, and is designed to encourage social contact. Our trained staff engage clients in a wide range of events and activities designed for maximum enjoyment and...
Contact: Age UK Thanet, , Zion Place, Margate, Kent, CT9 1RP.

Dementia friends
Most of the staff at Age UK Thanet are either Dementia Champions or Dementia Friends. This training has given us an understanding of what it is like to live with Dementia and has helped us to treat our clients with...
Contact: Age UK Thanet, , Zion Place, Margate, Kent, CT9 1RP.

Do you have small jobs that need doing around the house or garden? Don't worry, call our handyman out to the rescue. Our handyman service can assist with a range of jobs around the home, including: Fitting smoke alarms ...
Contact: Age UK Thanet, , Zion Place, Margate, Kent, CT9 1RP.

Healthcare services
A range of healthcare services both at our Community Hub and out in the community. Footcare - Bathing service - Hairdressing - Hearing clinic
Contact: Age UK Thanet, , Zion Place, Margate, Kent, CT9 1RP.

Information & Advice
Age UK Thanet provides confidential information and advice on a wide range of issues for people age over 50, their families and carers. Our service can help with a variety of issues including: Understanding allowan...
Contact: Age UK Thanet, , Zion Place, Margate, Kent, CT9 1RP.

Support At Home
This is a free service to support older people at home. We provide free short term support with practical tasks and emotional support to help older people adapt to live an independent life. Practical tasks can include: ...
Contact: Age UK Thanet, , Zion Place, Margate, Kent, CT9 1RP.

Wellbeing Telephone Befriending
Do you need some company? Fed up with having nobody to talk to? As part of our Wellbeing services, we are now offering telephone befriending. This is a free of charge service so why not give us a call and be ...
Contact: Age UK Thanet, , Zion Place, Margate, Kent, CT9 1RP.
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