Age UK Islington: Home services
1 - 6 of 6 Home services, provided by Age UK Islington.

Age UK Islington

Activities and Events
Events and activities by Age UK Islington
Contact: Age UK Islington, , 6 – 9 Manor Gardens, London, N7 6LA.

A carer is anyone who provides support for a partner, relative or friend who is frail or disabled, or has a long term illness, mental health issue or substance misuse problem, and who cannot manage on their own. If this ...
Contact: Age UK Islington, , 6 – 9 Manor Gardens, London, N7 6LA.

Future Matters Service
Future Matters is a free service to help you plan your emergency and future care wishes, financial and legal affairs. It is funded by North Central London CCG and run in partnership by Gentle Dusk and Age UK Islington.
Contact: Age UK Islington, , 6 – 9 Manor Gardens, London, N7 6LA.

Handyperson and Tradesperson
Need odd jobs done around the home or garden? Looking for a plumber or electrician? We can help you to find handyperson services and local paid-for suppliers. You can also search the Age UK London Boroughs Business Direc...
Contact: Age UK Islington, , 6 – 9 Manor Gardens, London, N7 6LA.

Information & advice
How we can help If you have concerns about welfare benefits, health and disability, housing, transport, employment or community care then please get in touch. An advisor will meet with you via a drop-in session or appoi...
Contact: Age UK Islington, , 6 – 9 Manor Gardens, London, N7 6LA.

Social Prescribing
An important part of our work is bridging the gap between formal services and the range of fantastic support and Activities. We listen carefully and follow through to achieve good matches that stick.
Contact: Age UK Islington, , 6 – 9 Manor Gardens, London, N7 6LA.
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