Handyperson and Tradesperson

What does it do?

Need odd jobs done around the home or garden? Looking for a plumber or electrician? We can help you to find handyperson services and local paid-for suppliers. You can also search the Age UK London Boroughs Business Directory: www.aubdlondon.co.uk.

Finding a handyperson and local suppliers

We can help you to find handyperson services and local paid-for suppliers. We can direct you to sources of suppliers and guide you to choosing a supplier, ensuring you get quotes from different suppliers, making the necessary checks and getting references.

Islington Council Handyperson Scheme

The Islington Council Handyperson service is for older residents & those with a disability. Carers in receipt of Carer’s Allowance or Direct Payments can also use the service. You do not need to live in a council property to be eligible. However, the service does not cover repairs that are the responsibility of a landlord.


Age UK London Boroughs Business Directory

Running since 2012, it was designed to protect older people from rogue traders by connecting them with local reputable traders and businesses that have been checked by Business Directory staff. You can either search the Age UK London Boroughs Business Directory online or call 0800 334 5056 (Mon to Fri) and a Business Directory staff member will happily search the directory on your behalf.
