Age UK Bromley & Greenwich: Home services
1 - 8 of 8 Home services, provided by Age UK Bromley & Greenwich.

Age UK Bromley & Greenwich

Activities and Events
Activities and events in Greenwich and Bromley.
Contact: Age UK Bromley & Greenwich, , Community House, South Street , Bromley , London, BR1 1RH.

How we can help: This service offers a vital lifeline to older people who would otherwise feel totally lonely and socially isolated. Our trained and vetted Community Helper volunteers could provide support through: ...
Contact: Age UK Bromley & Greenwich, , Community House, South Street , Bromley , London, BR1 1RH.

Benefits and Money
Our service can help check that you are getting all the benefits you are entitled to and give you information on other benefits you may be able to claim in order to maximise your income. We provide Financial advocacy, b...
Contact: Age UK Bromley & Greenwich, , Community House, South Street, Bromley, BR1 1RH.

Bromley Dementia Support Hub
The Bromley Dementia Support Hub service supports people diagnosed with dementia who are living in their own home in the London Borough of Bromley and their family and friends who care for them.
Contact: Age UK Bromley & Greenwich, , Community House, South Street, Bromley, BR1 1RH.

Bromley Well Services
Bromley Well is a new integrated service that provides support for Bromley residents to improve their general health, wellbeing and independence and to help prevent them from falling into crisis. Please note: these serv...
Contact: Age UK Bromley & Greenwich, , Community House, South Street, Bromley, BR1 1RH.

Care Navigation Hub
Care Navigators work with Clinical, Medical Therapy and Social Care professionals, to provide patients with a more integrated service. The aim of the integrated model is to ensure that services and professionals wo...
Contact: Age UK Bromley & Greenwich, , Community House, South Street, Bromley, BR1 1RH.

Information and Advice
We offer free, independent and confidential information and advice to older people in the London boroughs of Bromley and Greenwich, their carers, relatives and friends on a wide range of issues. They include money matter...
Contact: Age UK Bromley & Greenwich, , Community House, South Street, Bromley, BR1 1RH.

Trusted Traders
If you are looking for a Trusted Trader in the London Borough of Bromley or the Royal Borough of Greenwich then look no further!The Age UK London Business Directory is an online, one-stop directory developed to make life...
Contact: Age UK Bromley & Greenwich, , Community House, South Street, Bromley, BR1 1RH.
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