Age UK Worcester & Malvern Hills: Home services
1 - 11 of 11 Home services, provided by Age UK Worcester & Malvern Hills.

Age UK Worcester & Malvern Hills

Activities and events
Activities and event by Age Uk Worcester & Malvern Hills
Contact: Age UK Worcester & Malvern Hills, , Bank House , 7 Shaw Street , Worcester, Worcestershire, WR1 3QQ.

Befriending is the act of visiting an older person, who is socially isolated, in their own home. Befriending provides companionship to older people who best need it and a crucial link to the outside world. T...
Contact: Age UK Worcester & Malvern Hills, , Bank House , 7 Shaw Street , Worcester, Worcestershire, WR1 3QQ.

Befriending for the Bereaved
As part of our Befriending Service, we can offer friendship and support to those that are experiencing loss. Feelings of loneliness can be one of the most difficult aspects to cope with, but talking about your feelings w...
Contact: Age UK Worcester & Malvern Hills, , Bank House , 7 Shaw Street , Worcester, Worcestershire, WR1 3QQ.

Computer support
We offer computer classes for older people who are looking to start using a computer for the first time or are looking to improve their skill set further. Make the most out of technology. We here at Age UK Worceste...
Contact: Age UK Worcester & Malvern Hills, , Bank House , 7 Shaw Street , Worcester, Worcestershire, WR1 3QQ.

Dementia meeting centres
Dementia Meeting Centres are a great low-cost community-based way of supporting people living with dementia, their families & carers. They provide a place where people are supported to understand and adapt to living ...
Contact: Age UK Worcester & Malvern Hills, , Bank House , 7 Shaw Street , Worcester, Worcestershire, WR1 3QQ.

Foot care
We provide regular foot care clinics and home visiting for our clients in Worcester & Malvern Hills. Our service will provide basic level care at a small charge. Our foot care service allows us to offer regular basi...
Contact: Age UK Worcester & Malvern Hills, , Bank House , 7 Shaw Street , Worcester, Worcestershire, WR1 3QQ.

Information & Advice
Want to know your entitlements? Need help filling out a form? We are able to provide you with free information & advice on a range of topics from our office and over the phone. We can even arrange to visit you at hom...
Contact: Age UK Worcester & Malvern Hills, , Age UK Worcester & District, 7 Shaw Street, Worcester, Worcestershire, WR1 3QQ.

Later life planning
We know that planning for later life can be daunting and overwhelming, that is why our Later Life planning service is available to give peace of mind to you and your family. What our specialist team help you with: ...
Contact: Age UK Worcester & Malvern Hills, , Bank House , 7 Shaw Street , Worcester, Worcestershire, WR1 3QQ.

Money and benefits
Age UK Worcester & Malvern Hills know that money matters. So did you know that you could be eligible for some extra benefits? We can help you check your eligibility and help you get what your entitled to. &n...
Contact: Age UK Worcester & Malvern Hills, , Bank House , 7 Shaw Street , Worcester, Worcestershire, WR1 3QQ.

Wheelchair hire
We can provide you with a short term, wheelchair rental designed to help and encourage extended independent living for older people in the Worcester & Malvern Hills areas. We have a various range of wheelchairs avai...
Contact: Age UK Worcester & Malvern Hills, , Bank House , 7 Shaw Street , Worcester, Worcestershire, WR1 3QQ.

Worcestershire dementia community support
Social contact is so important to all of our lives, but a dementia diagnosis can often be tremendously isolating experience. At Age UK Worcester & Malvern Hills, we understand the importance of companionship and main...
Contact: Age UK Worcester & Malvern Hills, , Bank House , 7 Shaw Street , Worcester, Worcestershire, WR1 3QQ.
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