Age UK Leeds: Home services
1 - 6 of 6 Home services, provided by Age UK Leeds.

Age UK Leeds

Activities and events
Find out here about activities and events taking place at Age UK Leeds.
Contact: Age UK Leeds, , Bradbury Building, Mark Lane, Leeds, LS2 8JA.

Do you need someone to help you make sure you get your voice heard, know your rights, express your needs or explain what you want? Help with: Community care issues - Hospital discharge - Residential and nursing hom...
Contact: Age UK Leeds, , Bradbury Building, Mark Lane, Leeds, LS2 8JA.

Digital wellbeing service
Our low cost/no cost training sessions take place throughout the year at venues across Leeds and are run by experienced tutors. All courses run for six sessions which are around two-and-a-half hours each...
Contact: Age UK Leeds, , Bradbury Building, Mark Lane, Leeds, LS2 8JA.

Help at Home Service
Age UK Leeds Help at Home provides a reliable and tailored service, which will enable you or your loved one to continue to enjoy living at home. We offer a range of competitively priced support, that can make a big diff...
Contact: Age UK Leeds, , Bradbury Building Mark Lane, Leeds, West Yorkshire, LS2 8JA.

Hospital to Home
Help for people who have had a short stay in St James's Hospital to facilitate discharge, get settled in at home and prevent readmission. What we offer: Get to know your needs in hospital - Help you return home - ...
Contact: Age UK Leeds, , Bradbury Building , Mark Lane, Leeds, LS2 8JA.

Information and Advice
Advice and information on: Benefits and money - Your home - social care - Local services and support - Legal issues - and much more
Contact: Age UK Leeds, , Bradbury Building Mark Lane, Leeds, West Yorkshire, LS2 8JA.
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