Age UK Solihull: Home services
1 - 12 of 12 Home services, provided by Age UK Solihull.

Age UK Solihull

Clubs and Activities
Age UK Solihull has four regular clubs. Please contact our Linking People Together service to find out about availability. Telephone: 0121 704 7846, Email The Taverners Lunch Club -...
Contact: Age UK Solihull, , Solihull.

Community Advice Hubs
Age UK Solihull is the lead partner in the delivery of the Solihull Community Advice Hubs. The Advice Hubs are for everyone and are the first point of contact for information, advice and support in Solihull and the gatew...
Contact: Age UK Solihull, , The Core, Central Library Building, Homer Road, Solihull, B91 3RG.

Direct Payments Support Service
Direct Payments are payments made directly to individuals who request to receive one to meet some or all of their eligible care and support needs. Carers may also be eligible for direct payments. A direct payment is not ...
Contact: Age UK Solihull, , The Core, Central Library Building, Homer Road, Solihull, B91 3RG.

Help in a Heatwave - Tips to Stay Cool
The heat can be dangerous for certain groups of people such as the elderly, those with existing medical conditions or the very young. It is easy to become dehydrated in hot weather as we can soon lose more fluid t...
Contact: Age UK Solihull, , The Core, Central Library Building, Homer Road, Solihull, B91 3RG.

Home Support Service
The Home Support Service is a chargeable service for people living in Solihull, who need help to do the jobs they are no longer able to do alone. Carer's Respite Breaks - Light Housework - Laundry and Ironing ...
Contact: Age UK Solihull, , The Core Central Library Building , Homer Road, Solihull, B91 3RG.

Legal Consultations and Will Writing Services
If you require legal or financial planning advice please contact the Community Advice Hubs on 0121 709 7590. We can discuss your needs and if required, refer you to a local firm of Solicitors who will be able to offer yo...
Contact: Age UK Solihull, , The Core, Central Library Building, Homer Road, Solihull, B91 3RG.

Linking People Together (Clubs and Befriending)
This is a specialist befriending service which enables older people to receive social and practical support at home, and also enables isolated people to interact with others either at home or in their local community. T...
Contact: Age UK Solihull, , The Core Central Library Building , Homer Road , Solihull , West Midlands, B91 3RG.

Mobility Aids Partnership
Age UK Solihull and Capitol Mobility are working together to provide the best possible value and quality for clients. Age UK Solihull clients can claim a 10% discount from the cost of any item purchased from Capitol Mob...
Contact: Age UK Solihull, , The Core, Central Library Building, Homer Road, Solihull, B91 3RG.

Older People's Information & Advice Service
Age UK Solihull is committed to giving older people comprehensive and high quality Information and Advice. We provide free, independent and impartial advice on a range of issues affecting older people, their families and...
Contact: Age UK Solihull, , The Core, Central Library Building, Homer Road, Solihull, B91 3RG.

Postural Stability Instruction (Falls Prevention)
Age UK Solihull has been commissioned by the Solihull Clinical Commissioning Group to provide Postural Stability Exercise Instruction for people aged 65 and over who have had a history of falls in the previous 12 months.
Contact: Age UK Solihull, , The Core, Central Library Building, Homer Road, Solihull, B91 3RG.

Solihull Winter Warmth Campaign
Age UK Solihull is commissioned by Solihull Council to deliver the annual Partnership Winter Warmth Campaign. The best way to avoid problems during the winter is to be well prepared. Having your heating serviced, improvi...
Contact: Age UK Solihull, , The Core, Central Library Building, Homer Road, Solihull, B91 3RG.

Support for Carers
Support for carers and those they care for is now offered through the Age UK Solihull Home Support Service. Services can be purchased on a private basis or, if you and/or the person you care for have received an as...
Contact: Age UK Solihull, , The Core, Central Library Building, Homer Road, Solihull, B91 3RG.
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