Age Concern Sandwich: Home services
1 - 5 of 5 Home services, provided by Age Concern Sandwich.

Age Concern Sandwich

Activities and Events
Daily activities throughout the week.
Contact: Age Concern Sandwich, , 19/21 Cattle Market, Sandwich, Kent, CT13 9AP.

Befriending Service
Are you stuck at home 24/7? Do you go weeks without seeing anyone? Did you know you could have a regular volunteer to pop in and see you to have a cuppa and chat, go for a walk around the block, share a crosswo...
Contact: Age Concern Sandwich, , 19/21 Cattle Market, Sandwich, Kent, CT13 9AP.

Meals on Wheels
We deliver hot, freshly cooked meals daily Monday to Friday. Pre-bookable, at least 10:00am the day before - Contact 01304 614237
Contact: Age Concern Sandwich, , 19/21 Cattle Market, Sandwich, Kent, CT13 9AP.

Personal Services
Hairdressing, Bathing, Footcare, Hearing Aids, Chair Based Yoga, Hypnotherapy, Curative Therapy, Signposting and Advice, The Personalised Independence Programme ( PIP)
Contact: Age Concern Sandwich, , 19/21 Cattle Market, Sandwich, Kent, CT13 9AP.

The Sunflower Centre
The Sunflower Centre is for people over 50 with dementia who are unsuitable for social day care because of a need for greater attention and stimulation or a more secure environment. Daily activities include: music t...
Contact: Age Concern Sandwich, , 19/21 Cattle Market, Sandwich, Kent, CT13 9AP.
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