Link Age Southwark: Home services
1 - 2 of 2 Home services, provided by Link Age Southwark.
Link Age Southwark

Link Age Southwark befriending visits
A weekly visit from a volunteer befriender for friendship and company. This might involve a cup of tea and a chat, a walk to the shops or reading a newspaper together. Volunteers may also offer lifts to social appoi...
Contact: Link Age Southwark, , Dulwich Community Hospital, East Dulwich Grove, London, SE22 8PT.

Link Age Southwark social groups
Over 20 social groups across Southwark, with an activity to suit everybody. Activities include singing, yoga, lunch club, reminiscence, bridge, dementia peer support and dementia family carers support. You're guaran...
Contact: Link Age Southwark, , Dulwich Community Hospital, East Dulwich Grove, London, SE22 8PT.
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