Link Age Southwark befriending visits
Volunteer befriending visits for older people in SouthwarkWhat does it do?
A weekly visit from a volunteer befriender for friendship and company. This might involve a cup of tea and a chat, a walk to the shops or reading a newspaper together. Volunteers may also offer lifts to social appointments like activity groups or hairdressing appointments.
Who it is for?
Residents of the London Borough of Southwark aged 60+, or residents of any age with a diagnosis of mild-moderate dementia
Where it is available?
Local service (Southwark).
What it costs:
All services are free of charge.
How to access or apply for it:
If you're over 60 and live in Southwark, please call 020 8299 2623 to express an interest in being matched with a befriender.
What to expect then:
One of our staff members will arrange a home visit to chat about the service and your needs. You will then be introduced by a staff member to a befriender, who will be carefully selected based on your common interests. The staff member will call you after the introduction to check you're happy with your match. Your befriender will then visit weekly.
Additional information:
Our volunteer befrienders are carefully chosen, and go through an application, interview, DBS check, reference check and induction training programme before being matched with an older person.
Info last updated:

Dulwich Community Hospital, East Dulwich Grove, London, SE22 8PT