Age Concern Southend-on-Sea: Home services
1 - 5 of 5 Home services, provided by Age Concern Southend-on-Sea.

Age Concern Southend-on-Sea

Our befriending service is open to any over 60’s who may feel isolated or lonely or do not see anyone on a regular basis due to health or mobility issues. Our team of over 150 befriending volunteers are matched wit...
Contact: Age Concern Southend-on-Sea, , 134 Hamlet Court Road , Westcliff-on-Sea , Essex , SS0 7LN.

Dementia Day Service
Based at The Haven Community Hub in Westcliff-on-Sea, Days at The Haven our specialist day service for older people and those with dementia. We will be providing a high quality personalised service based on an activ...
Contact: Age Concern Southend-on-Sea, , 134 Hamlet Court Road , Westcliff-on-Sea , Essex , SS0 7LN.

Information Advice & Guidance
Our team are always happy to advise on any variety of problems and issues relating to getting older. We also have a selection of drop in sessions with professionals from other charities and statutory services available a...
Contact: Age Concern Southend-on-Sea, , 134 Hamlet Court Road , Westcliff-on-Sea , Essex , SS0 7LN.

The Haven Community Hub
The Haven Community Hub is a safe welcoming place where people can socialise, join in with support and leisure groups and take part in activities to keep fit and stay active. There is plenty of comfortable seating ...
Contact: Age Concern Southend-on-Sea, , 134 Hamlet Court Road , Westcliff-on-Sea , Essex , SS0 7LN.

Wheelchair Hire
We have a selection of wheelchairs and mobility equipment available to hire from our offices at 134 Hamlet Court Road. Prices start from just £5 and equipment is available on a long term or short term basis. Please...
Contact: Age Concern Southend-on-Sea, , 134 Hamlet Court Road , Westcliff-on-Sea , Essex , SS0 7LN.
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