Thurrock Borough Council: Home services
1 - 4 of 4 Home services, provided by Thurrock Borough Council.

Thurrock Borough Council

Adult Social Care
Provides care and support services for older people living in Thurrock. Services provided can include: • healthcare • equipment • help in your home...
Contact: Thurrock Borough Council, .

Disabled Facilities Grant
The maximum Disabled Facilities Grant is £30,000. If the grant is more than £5,000, we may add your property address to the local land charge register. This may last for 10 years depending on the grant amoun...
Contact: Home adaptations and equipment, .

Homecare Reablement Service
Thurrock Council's Homecare Reablement Service provides support to vulnerable people in Thurrock. Reablement is the name we give to short-term support designed to help keep vulnerable people safe and as independent as po...
Contact: Community Solutions Team, , Civic Offices, New Road, Grays, RM17 6TJ.

Thurrock Choice Homes
Most local councils and housing associations let their properties through a central system known as choice-based lettings. Once you have completed your application for housing, you will be given a priority rating based ...
Contact: Thurrock Choice Homes, .
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